Reclamation and drainage

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Latvijas situācijai piemērojama nemeliorētās zemēs vai meliorētās drenu tīkla sabiezināšanai. Daudzkausu ekskavatoru, drenu zāģu vai arklu izmantošana prasa lielu pieredzi.....

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Zebra at Valdemārs Dambekalna farm

Zebra at Valdemārs Dambekalna farm

Valdemāras Dambekalna's farm produces a sports car

Valdemāras Dambekalna's farm produces a sports car

A successful businessman in Latvia

A successful businessman in Latvia

Installation of a drainage drain for agricultural land with a single- bucket excavator. Applicable to the Latvian, Estonian and Swedish situation in non-reclaimed land or for thickening the drainage network. The use of multi bucket excavators, drainage saws or tyle ploughs requires a lot of experience in order not to damage the old drainage and fatal damage the old drainage.

Construction of agricultural land reclamation drainage with a single-bucket excavator.

The process of digging drainage ditches on agricultural land as seen from the ditch trench with a 21t single bucket excavator

The process of digging drainage ditches on agricultural land as seen from the ditch trench with a 21t single bucket excavator

The process of digging drainage on agricultural land as seen from
an excavator digging with a 21t single bucket excavator.

The process of digging drainage on agricultural land as seen from an excavator digging with a 21t single bucket excavator.